The Harland Gets Unanimous Endorsement from Planning Commission
A condominium building proposed for 702-714 N. Doheny Dr. won the unanimous endorsement of the West Hollywood Planning Commission last night.
The building, which will include 38 condominiums and 12 apartments to be rented to low-income tenants, would be built on a largely empty 1.2 acre site perhaps best known as the location of Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch at Halloween and the Mr. Greentrees Christmas tree lot.
In her positive evaluation of the project, Stephanie Reich, the city’s urban designer, said it “will enhance the pedestrian environment along Doheny Drive and on Harland Avenue and Keith Avenue as well. Along Doheny drive there is street tree and parkway planting, planting in the front setback and private patios that are screened for privacy, yet open enough to provide a sense of activity along the street.”